
Xendurance, 蛋白質,巧克力味,1、98 磅(900 克)
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- Recovery - Rebuild 安光路母親節蛋糕
- 20 GMS Proprietary Protein Sports Blend
- 1500 mg Lactate For Energy
- 30 Servings
- Dietary Supplement
- Gluten Free
- Hydrogenated Oil Free
- Preservative Free
- Trans Fat Free
- HFCS Free
Recovery - Rebuild頂東路母親節蛋糕推薦
- Post Training and Recovery
- Refuel with over 1500 mg of Lactate (Natural Fuel)
- Helps Support New Lean Muscle Growth
- 100% US Recommended Daily Serving of Vitamins B6, B12, and D
- BCAA's
Xendurance Protein is a proprietary protein sports blend of 18 amino acids containing Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Hydrolysate, Micellar Casein and Calcium Casinate. This protein blend has been produced with cold process filtration that allows it to be in its most bio-available and digestible form. Maximizing absorption rate and utilization of protein is key to muscle recovery, which puts Xendurance Protein in a league of its own. Xendurance Protein also contains over 1500 mg of lactate, the body's natural fuel source over glycogen. This key muscle fuel helps you lower exercise induced body acid, allowing your body to recover fast. In addition, Xendurance Protein contains the US Recommended Daily Value of vitamins B6, B12, D, along with 4255 mg of BCAAs and essential electrolytes.
Xendurance Protein is among the most inclusive recovery products on the market.王厝寮生日蛋糕推薦
三和路生日蛋糕首選塔吉特蛋糕Xendurance, 蛋白質,巧克力味,1、98 磅(900 克)
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- 洗浴及美容浴鹽
- 食品,百貨早餐穀類
- 保健品礦物質鐵
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- 保健品益生菌穩定益生菌
- 洗浴及美容體香劑止汗膏
- Beauty痤瘡,外用產品
- 保健品礦物質鐵
- Beauty面部護理潔面乳
- 保健品氨基酸
- 食品,百貨堅果,種子,穀物
- 保健品EFA,歐米茄3 6 9(EPA DHA)亞麻籽油軟膠囊
- 草本艾蒿,野艾
- 洗浴及美容浴鹽
- 食品,百貨早餐穀類
- 保健品礦物質鐵
- 洗浴及美容Makeup粉餅
- 保健品益生菌穩定益生菌
- 洗浴及美容體香劑止汗膏
- Beauty痤瘡,外用產品
- 保健品礦物質鐵
- Beauty面部護理潔面乳
- 保健品氨基酸
- 食品,百貨堅果,種子,穀物
- 保健品EFA,歐米茄3 6 9(EPA DHA)亞麻籽油軟膠囊
- 草本艾蒿,野艾