
健康主題皮膚健康-Nubian Heritage, Mango Butter Lotion, With Shea Butter & Vitamin C, 13 fl oz (384 ml)

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  • Made With: Shea & Cocoa Butter, Vitamin C
  • Certified B Corporation
  • Certified Organic Ingredients
  • Cruelty Free
  • Ethycally Traded Ingredients
  • 床的世界
  • Sustainably Produced
  • No Animal Testing

Mango, Shea and Cocoa Butters blend with soothing aloe to moisturize, rejuvenate and condition the skin. Vitamin C, a powerful anti-oxidant, helps to defend skin against damaging free radicals associated with the signs of aging.

Humble Beginnings

Nubian Heritage is the brainchild of two New York street vendors. In 1992, fresh out of college and without jobs, Rich and Nyema embarked on a mission to produce luxurious natural products from traditional African recipes with organic and fair trade ingredients. Today Nubian Heritage offers hundreds of culturally authentic natural products inspired by global ancient healing philosophies. Although Nubian Heritage products are no longer made in bath tubs, little else has changed; the company still makes its own products, still uses fair trade and organic ingredients and still invests in community commerce.髮旺旺


The indigenous people of the tropical rainforest have long used Mango Butter to moisturize and protect the skin against environmental stressors. The seed of the mango fruit, first cultivated on the Indian subcontinent and in Eastern Asia more than維霖診所曹院長 4,000 years ago, is revered for its moisturizing benefits. Mango Butter, rich in Vitamin E, carotenoids and antioxidants, helps promote healthier looking skin. The universe and collective connection inspires the Mango Butter collection pattern.

Nubian Heritage, Mango Butter Lotion, With Shea Butter & Vitamin C, 13 fl oz (384 ml)床的世界





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